Reptiles for Sale list for Schaumburg, IL NARBC
Saharan Uromastyx lizard for sale at the NARBC show!
Hey all, i will be attending the Schaumburg, Illinois NARBC reptile show this weekend. It’s going to be a fantastic show with lots of great available animals from all over the country. I stocked up myself and I will have a ton of reptiles for sale at the show that aren’t for sale online yet. Here’s a list of just some of the exciting exotic pets for sale on my tables at the show:
Rubber Boas
Brazilian Rainbow boas
Colombian boa constrictors
True Redtail Boas (Guyana Redtails)
Red Blood Pythons
Rosy Boas
Nelson’s Milk Snakes
Prehensile Tailed Monkey Skinks
Mangrove Monitors
Savannah Monitors on sale!
Pac Man Frogs
African File Snakes
Saharan Sand Boas on sale!
Argentine Black and White Tegus
Madagascar Giant Day Geckos
Dumeril’s Boas
African Egg Eating Snakes on sale!
Solomon Island Ground Boas - Some Isabel Island Ground Boas!
Solomon Island Tree Boas
Sunbeam Snakes
Dragon Snakes
Red Eyed Crocodile Skinks
Green Basilisks (Jesus Lizards)
Baby Amazon Tree Boas
Emerald Tree Boas
Redfoot Tortoises
Russian Tortoises
Blue Tongue Skinks
Saharan Uromastyx lizards
Lots of Tarantulas for sale on the table as well
I will have a lot more reptiles for sale at the show that aren’t listed here as well. You’ll have to come by my booth to see my full selection! I hope to see you there so be sure to stop by, say hello, and buy reptiles :-)
Red Line Northern Blue Tongue Skink for sale at the NARBC Show this weekend!